Tabla de contenidos
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        Chart(type, data, height, width, xaxis, yaxis, title, min, max, interval, id)
        type : str (one of 'circulargauge', 'column', 'multiseriescolumn', 'lineargauge', 'line', 'bar', 'multiseriesbar', 'pie', 'pyramid', or 'funnel')
        data : list
        (optional) height : num (default: 450)
            Height of chart in pixel or percent.
            If value is greater or equal to 1, then value represents pixel, otherwise the value is a relative perecentage.
        (optional) width : num (default: 450)
            Width of chart in pixel or percent.
            If value is greater or equal to 1, then value represents pixel, otherwise the value is a relative perecentage.
        (optional) xaxis : str (default: 'Y-Axis')
            Label for X-Axis.
        (optional) yaxis : str (default: 'X-Axis')
            Label for Y-Axis.
        (optional) title : str (default: 'Title')
            Label for chart.
        (optional) min : num (default: 0)
            Lower bound for Linear Gauge chart type.
        (optional) max : num (default: 100)
            Upper bound for Linear Gauge chart type.
        (optional) interval : num (default: 10)
            Major interval for axis markers.
        (optional) id : str (default: nil)
            ID for chart component.  Used for listening for events and interacting with chart through JavaScript.
        1.0     2-Feb-10    robertm     initial version
        1.1     4-Mar-10    steveb      code clean-up
        1.2     29-Mar-10   steveb      better handling of error conditions; new default look for progress gauge
        1.3     16-Jul-10   steveb      fixed inproper data handling for 'pie' type. support for min,max
    var type = string.tolower($type ?? $0 ?? 'circulargauge');
    var data = $data ?? $1 ?? 67;
    var height = $height ?? $2 ?? 450;
    var width = $width ?? $3 ?? 450;
    var xaxis = $xaxis ?? $4;
    var yaxis = $yaxis ?? $5;
    var title = $title ?? $6;
    var min = $min ?? $7;
    var max = $max ?? $8;
    var interval = $interval ?? $9 ?? 10;
    var id = $id ?? $10;
    var error;
    // TODO (steveb): validate the 'data' field
    // TODO (steveb): enable/disable animation
    // format settings
    let settings_xml = <settings>
            <animation enabled="True"/>
    // format axis
    var axes_xml = <axes>
            <title enabled=(xaxis is not nil)>
                <text> xaxis </text>
                <format> "{%Value}{numDecimals:0}" </format>
        <y_axis position=((type == 'bar' || type == 'multiseriesbar') ? "opposite" : nil)>
            <title enabled=(yaxis is not nil)>
                <text> yaxis </text>
                <format> "{%Value}{numDecimals:0}" </format>
            <scale major_interval=(interval) minor_interval=(interval / 4) minimum=(min) maximum=(max) />
    // set defaults for min-max
    let min = min ?? 0;
    let max = max ?? 100;
    // format data
    var data_xml;
    if((type != 'pie') && data is map) {
        let data_xml = <data>
            foreach (var series:points in data) {
                <series name=(series)>
                    foreach (var p in points) {
                        foreach(var label:value in p) {
                            <point y=(value) name=(label)>
                                <tooltip enabled="true">
                                    <format> "{%SeriesName} ({%Name}) - {%Value}" </format>
    } else if(data is list) {
        let data_xml = <data>
            <series name="Series 1">
                foreach(var d in data) {
                    foreach(var label:value in d) {
                        <point y=(value) name=(label) />
    var chart;
    switch (type) {
    // SINGLE-SERIES COLUMN CHART, INCOMING DATA MUST BE FORMATTED AS [{label1:value1}, {label2:value2}, {label3:value3}]
    // MULTI-SERIES COLUMN CHART, INCOMING DATA MUST BE FORMATTED AS {series1:[{label1:value1}, {label2:value2}, {label3:value3}], series2:[{label1:value1}, {label2:value2}, {label3:value3}], series3:[{label1:value1}, {label2:value2}, {label3:value3}]}
    case 'column':
    case 'multiseriescolumn':
    case 'bar':
    case 'multiseriesbar':
        // determine layout value
        var layout;
        switch(type) {
        case 'column':
        case 'multiseriescolumn':
            let layout = "CategorizedVertical";
        case 'bar':
        case 'multiseriesbar':
            let layout = "CategorizedHorizontal";
        // generate chart xml
        let chart = <anychart>
                <chart plot_type=(layout)>
                    <data_plot_settings default_series_type="Bar" enable_3d_mode="true" z_aspect="0.25">
                        <bar_series group_padding="0.2" >
                            <tooltip_settings enabled="true"/>
                        <title enabled=(title is not nil)>
                            <text> title </text>
                        // check if we plotting a series of data points
                        if(data is map) {
                            <legend enabled="true" position="Bottom" align="Spread" ignore_auto_item="true" padding="15">
                                <format> "{%Icon} {%Name}" </format>
                                <title enabled="false"/>
                                <columns_separator enabled="true"/>
                                    <inside_margin left="10" right="10"/>
                                    <item source="Series"/>
    // MULTI-SERIES LINE CHART, INCOMING DATA MUST BE FORMATTED AS {series1:[{label1:value1}, {label2:value2}, {label3:value3}, {label4:value4}], series2:[{label1:value1}, {label2:value2}, {label3:value3}, {label4:value4}], series3:[{label1:value1}, {label2:value2}, {label3:value3}, {label4:value4}]}
    case "line":
        let chart = <anychart>
                <chart plot_type="CategorizedVertical">
                        <title enabled=(title is not nil)>
                            <text> title </text>
                        <legend enabled="true">
                            <title enabled="false"/>
                    <data_plot_settings default_series_type="Spline">
                                <marker size="8"/>
                                        <marker size="12"/>
                            <tooltip_settings enabled="True"/>
    //3D PIE CHART, DATA VARIABLE MUST BE FORMATTED AS {name1:value1, name2:value2, name3:value3}
    case 'pie':
        let chart = '<anychart>
                <chart plot_type="Pie">
                    <data_plot_settings enable_3d_mode="true">
                            <tooltip_settings enabled="true">
                                    {%Name} : {%Value}{numDecimals:0} ({%YPercentOfSeries}{numDecimals: 0}%)
                            <label_settings enabled="true">
                                <background enabled="false"/>
                                <position anchor="Center" valign="Center" halign="Center" padding="20"/>
                                <font color="White">
                                        <drop_shadow enabled="true" distance="2" opacity="0.5" blur_x="2" blur_y="2"/>
                        <series name="Series 1" type="Pie">'
                        .. (
                            foreach (var name:y in data) {
                                '<point name="' .. name .. '" y="' .. y .. '"/>'
                        ) ..
                        <title enabled="true" padding="15">
                            <text>' .. title .. '</text>
                        <legend enabled="true" position="Bottom" align="Spread" ignore_auto_item="true" padding="15">
                            <format>{%Icon} {%Name} - {%YValue}{numDecimals:0}</format>
                            <title enabled="false"/>
                            <columns_separator enabled="false"/>
                                <inside_margin left="10" right="10"/>
                                <item source="Points"/>
    // PYRAMID/FUNNEL CHART, DATA VARIABLE MUST BE FORMATTED AS {label1:value1, label2:value2, label3:value3}
    case 'pyramid':
    case 'funnel':
        var ispyramid = (type == 'pyramid');
        let chart = <anychart>
                <chart plot_type="Funnel">
                        <title enabled=(title is not nil)>
                            <text> title </text>
                        <data_plot_background enabled="false" />
                        <legend enabled="false" />
                    <data_plot_settings enable_3d_mode="true">
                        <funnel_series inverted=(ispyramid) neck_height=(ispyramid ? 0 : nil) fit_aspect="1" min_width=(ispyramid ? 0 : nil) padding=(ispyramid ? 0 : nil) mode="Square">
                            <animation enabled="true" type="Appear" show_mode="Smoothed" start_time="0.3" duration="1.3" interpolation_type="Cubic"/>
                            <connector enabled="true" color="Black" opacity="0.4"/>
                            <tooltip_settings enabled="true">
                                if(ispyramid) {
                                    <position anchor="CenterRight" padding="10" valign="Center" halign="right"/>
                                <format> "{%Name} - {%YValue}{numDecimals:0}" </format>
                            <label_settings enabled="true">
                                <animation enabled="true" type="Appear" show_mode="Smoothed" start_time="0.3" duration="1.3" interpolation_type="Cubic"/>
                                if(ispyramid) {
                                    <position anchor="Center" valign="Center" halign="Center" padding="10"/>
                                } else {
                                    <position anchor="center" padding="50"/>
                                <format> "{%Name} - {%YValue}{numDecimals:0}" </format>
                                <background enabled="true">
                                    <corners type="Rounded" all="3"/>
                                            <border type="Solid" color="DarkColor(%Color)" thickness="2"/>
                                            <border type="Solid" color="#494949" thickness="2" opacity="0.7"/>
                                            <border type="Solid" color="DarkColor(%Color)" thickness="2" opacity="0.7"/>
                                            <border type="Solid" color="DarkColor(%Color)" thickness="2"/>
                                <border color="Black" opacity="0.05"/>
                                        <fill color="%Color"/>
                                        <hatch_fill enabled="true" type="Percent50" color="White" opacity="0.3"/>
                                        <fill color="%Color"/>
                                        <hatch_fill type="Checkerboard" color="#404040" opacity="0.1"/>
                                        <fill color="%Color"/>
                                        <hatch_fill type="Checkerboard" color="Black" opacity="0.1"/>
                            <marker_settings enabled="true">
                                <marker type="None" anchor="Center" v_align="Center" h_align="Center" size="12"/>
                                <fill color="Yellow"/>
                                <border color="DarkColor(Yellow)"/>
                                        <marker type="Star5"/>
                                        <marker type="Star5" size="8"/>
                                        <marker type="Star5" size="14"/>
                                        <marker type="Star5"/>
    case 'circulargauge':
        let chart = <anychart>
            <margin all="0"/>
                        <title enabled=(title is not nil)>
                            <text> title </text>
                            <border enabled="false"/>
                    <circular name="data">
                        <axis radius="37" start_angle="85" sweep_angle="190" size="3">
                            <labels align="Outside" padding="6">
                                <format> "{%Value}{numDecimals:0}" </format>
                                <fill color="#292929"/>
                            <major_tickmark align="Center" length="10" padding="0"/>
                            <minor_tickmark enabled="false"/>
                                <color_range start=(min) end=(max) align="Inside" start_size="15" end_size="15" padding="6">
                                    <fill type="Gradient">
                                            <key color="Red"/>
                                            <key color="Yellow"/>
                                            <key color="Green"/>
                                    <border enabled="true" color="Black" opacity="0.4"/>
                            <inner_stroke enabled="false"/>
                            <outer_stroke enabled="false"/>
                                <fill type="Gradient">
                                    <gradient angle="45">
                                        <key color="#FDFDFD"/>
                                        <key color="#F7F3F4"/>
                                <border enabled="true" color="#A9A9A9"/>
                            <effects enabled="false"/>
                            <pointer value=(data) name="value">
                                <label enabled="true" under_pointers="true">
                                    <position placement_mode="ByPoint" x="50" y="60"/>
                                    <format> "{%Value}{numDecimals:0}%" </format>
                                    <background enabled="false"/>
                                <needle_pointer_style thickness="7" point_thickness="5" point_radius="3">
                                    <fill color="Rgb(230,230,230)"/>
                                    <border color="Black" opacity="0.7"/>
                                    <effects enabled="true">
                                        <bevel enabled="true" distance="2" shadow_opacity="0.6" highlight_opacity="0.6"/>
                                        <drop_shadow enabled="true" distance="1" blur_x="1" blur_y="1" opacity="0.4"/>
                                            <fill type="Gradient">
                                                <gradient type="Linear" angle="45">
                                                    <key color="#D3D3D3"/>
                                                    <key color="#6F6F6F"/>
                                            <border color="Black" opacity="0.9"/>
                                        <effects enabled="true">
                                            <bevel enabled="true" distance="2" shadow_opacity="0.6" highlight_opacity="0.6"/>
                                            <drop_shadow enabled="true" distance="1.5" blur_x="2" blur_y="2" opacity="0.4"/>
                                <animation enabled="true" start_time="0" duration="0.7" interpolation_type="Sine"/>
    case 'lineargauge':
        let chart = <anychart>
            <margin all="0"/>
                            <text> title </text>
                            <border enabled="false"/>
                    <linear name="data">
                        <axis size="0" position="50">
                            <scale minimum=(min) maximum=(max) major_interval=(interval) minor_interval=(interval / 4) />
                            <scale_bar enabled="false"/>
                            <labels padding="5"/>
                                <color_range start=(min) end=(max) align="Outside" padding="0" start_size="8" end_size="8">
                                    <fill type="Gradient">
                                        <gradient angle="90">
                                            <key color="Red"/>
                                            <key color="Yellow"/>
                                            <key color="Green"/>
                                    <border enabled="true" type="Solid" color="Black" opacity="0.4"/>
                            <pointer type="Marker" value=(data) name="value" color="#4662B0">
                                <tooltip enabled="true"/>
                                <marker_pointer_style align="Outside" padding="5" width="10" height="10"/>
                                <animation enabled="true" start_time="0" duration="1" interpolation_type="Elastic"/>
                                <label enabled="true">
                                    <position placement_mode="ByAnchor" valign="Center" halign="Right" padding="45"/>
                                    <format> "{%Value}{numDecimals:0}%" </format>
                                    <background enabled="false"/>
        if(!error) {
            let error = "Invalid chart type selected (did not recognize '" .. type .. "')";
    // check if there was an error
    if(error) {
        <p style="color: red"> error </p>
    } else {
        anychart(chart, width, height, id);
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